Real Estate Investment 101: Getting Started

Insight To Help You Towards A Realtor-Assisted Home Purchase

As a first time home buyer, you are going to have a lot of questions about the process and what to expect as you enter into the home market to search for the right place to buy. Working with a realtor is going to help your situation greatly and give you confidence with their experience and assistance, so it is a good idea to find one early on so they can start you out on the right foot. Here are some tips to help you in the process of buying your first home.

Do Some Preparation Work

Before you can start touring through homes with your realtor, you can take some time to prepare for the buying process. You will need to know what type of credit you have so you can either work on improving it or start shopping for a mortgage lender to pre-approve you for a home purchase. Your credit score is a good indication of your overall credit file.

If you have not looked at your credit file recently, request a copy so you can review it for any errors that may affect your ability to get a mortgage loan or a good interest rate for the loan. If your credit is not the best, you can check into what type of mortgage you can qualify for through your lender, or you can take some time to improve your credit by making on-time payments, paying down excess debt, and also saving for a down payment. Putting more money down towards the purchase will help you get a lower monthly payment and boost your chances.

Start Your Preliminary Search

Another good recommendation to start with before you head out to look at a house is to use the internet to help you search. Your realtor can provide you with a list of homes that fit into your specific search criteria of size, area, location, style, and price, as examples. Ask your realtor for access to receive a daily listing report of any homes that are currently for sale that fit your wish list and an ongoing update of new listings that come on the market.

When you have access to this type of information, you can review the listings online to review photos and videos along with specifics of the home. Then if you want to pursue the home further, let your realtor know so they can arrange a private tour through the home. Taking this step will help you maximize your time and avoid spending time viewing a home that is not something that checks off all your needs and wants.

Contact a home buyers agent to learn more. 
