Real Estate Investment 101: Getting Started

What To Know About Selling An Empty House

While many sellers are stuck with selling an empty house, some have a choice. In most cases, real estate agents will advise sellers that homes with furniture sell better than those without. However, that may not always be the case. If you think you may have to sell your home sans furnishings due to an impending move, read on and find out some considerations on coping with this issue.

Furnished Homes May Be More Attractive

If you are able to leave your furniture or if you are still occupying the home, your home may look more attractive to buyers for these reasons:

  • Homes may look warmer and more welcoming to buyers. Homes without any furniture can look abandoned and sad which could turn buyers off.
  • Buyers can easily see how their own furniture could fit in the rooms.
  • It could help distract buyers from imperfections like scratches on the floor or chipped paint.

On the other hand, sellers that need to move with their furniture could be very inconvenienced if they have to leave their things behind. There is also the issue of sellers who have made poor furniture choices or own things that are old and worn out. Large, unwieldy pieces of furniture will make rooms seem much smaller to buyers as well. Sellers have the option of renting furniture or using a home staging service but that adds to the costs of selling the home

When an Empty Home is Inevitable

Sellers who need to move out before the showings begin should take heart. There are plusses to selling a home that way:

  • There is no need to worry about tidying up or dusting. That means the home is ready for prospective buyers all the time and more eyes on the property could increase the chances for a sale.
  • Empty rooms can look more spacious to buyers.
  • If your home has nice architectural details like a fireplace and large windows, an empty home throws attention to those features more readily.
  • Some buyers like envisioning their own furniture in a home and can't do that as easily in a furnished home.
  • Buyers may be so turned off by the seller's furnishings that they take an immediate disliking to the home.

You can learn more about the issue of furnished or unfurnished homes for sale by speaking with your real estate agent. They've probably seen both the good and bad points of each option and can provide you with more help in dealing with that part of the overall home selling process.

If you have more questions, reach out to a local real estate agency, such as The Dave Hooke Team: Keller Williams of Central PA.
